এই ব্লগটি সন্ধান করুন

শনিবার, ১৬ জানুয়ারী, ২০১৬

Documentation Processing






1.  How to create a declaration …….……………………………..…            1

2.  How to verify declaration………………………………....... 4

3.  How to store a declaration………………..……..            4

4.  How to asses a declaration…….…….……….……..……...           5

5.  How to make a payment and request selectivity………            6

6.  How to collect your goods……………..…           7



Before keying any data into the ASYCUDA World system – using the Customs website(www.customs.gov.tc) - please ensure that you have all the required documents needed to complete declaration, such as the Bill of lading, invoices, freight documents, concession letters, development orders and any other documents which must be submitted with the declaration.

STEP 1- Create Declaration

1.       Access the Declaration

To access the declaration module Select the following path; ASYCUDA
Goods Clearance→Declaration →Detailed Declaration as shown below

To open a new declaration, Right Click on Detailed
Declaration and select NEW

2.       Complete the General Segment

Use the Declaration Fields guide attached to the Declaration Processing Manual to complete the declaration

After selecting the declaration model, the system will display the declaration Form (Single Administrative Document – SAD). Complete all the fields beginning with the General segment.

In Box 1 select the model of Declaration according to the Customs Regime required for the goods being imported or exported.

It is very important to make sure you select the correct model of declaration since it will determine the type of controls and data that the system will make available on the declaration form

3.      Complete Item Segment
After filling out the General segment continue by filling out all the information required in
the item segment
(Item 1)

NOTE: Use the ‘Fields  Guide’ attached as Annex 2 to the Declaration Processing Guide to fill out your declaration

4.      Complete the Valuation Note

To open Valuation Note select Val. Note tab in the bottom of Declaration as indicated below. Input invoiced value of all the goods declared in the main SAD form and other information such as total freight, insurance and any other charges associated with the consignment.

It automatically apportions the costs between the declaration items when two more items are declared.

5.       Complete the Item Value Note

N.B. Information on the Value note should match the information on the SAD if only 1 item is declared

Select the Item Value note tab in bottom of declaration.

Upon the completion of all customs value related elements, the FOB value or CIF in relation to vehicles (which is the tax base for customs duties) is automatically calculated for each item.

6.       Add additional Items (if required)

N.B. The system will accept over 900 items  per declaration

To add another item select the add icon in the Menu Bar. Fill out all necessary information and select add item icon  to continue adding items to declaration

7.       Attach Required documents
Select ATT. Doc tab on declaration, on this page select the code type for each document and right click in reference section to attach document.

8.       Fill in Add. Info
Use the additional info tab to input any pertinent information relating to the

9.       Fill in the Suppliers Information
Fill in the Suppliers Information for each invoice attached to the declaration

10.   Fill Container information (if any)
If goods are containerised select container tab and fill in the required information
STEP 2- Verify for consistency

11.   Verify Document

N.B. The system will not verify document until all errors are corrected
After inputting all the required data select the Verify icon to check for any errors and to calculate duties.

If there are any errors system will indicate with a message prompt

STEP 3- Store Declaration

12.   Store Document

N.B. The user can store a
declaration at anytime even if the document is not completed.
To store a declaration select the Store icon in the menu bar on the opened declaration.

As soon as you select the Store option, the system will show the following screen, confirming that the storage  of your declaration has been successful.





13.   Retrieve Stored Declaration
To retrieve a stored declaration go toDetailed declaration’ in the document library and right click on FIND

In FIND use reference number to find declaration and select search button as
shown below
Right click on the desired document as shown below and select Retrieve to continue working on the declaration

STEP 4- Assess Declaration

14.   Validate and Assess

‘Assess’ means that you are submitting the declaration for Customs acceptance, and acknowledge that the values included in it as correct and exact.

N.B. The ‘assessment’ of a declaration brings on all legal bindings with Customs.
On the opened declaration, select the Validate and Assess Icon to obtain
assessment for payment.

When you select this option, the system will verify that all data is consistent, even though you may have done it before.

The system will indicate that your declaration is assessed and display the assessment number needed to make payment.  At this juncture you must print the entry and attached documents for Customs.



STEP 5- Make Payment and Request Selectivity

15.   Pay Declaration

16.   Request Selectivity

All  declarations  with  Red  or
Yellow lanes designations will have a customs officer assigned for examination or document checks

All declarations with Green or Blue lane with be cleared for immediate release

Supply the cashier with the Assessment number of your declaration to make payment.

The Cashier will issue you with a receipt to confirm payment of declaration.

The Importer will submit the entry, attached documents and receipt to Customs. The officer will locate the entry and trigger ‘Selectivity’.

System will indicate with a message the assigned lane for your declaration



The system has one of fourselectivity’ designations for your declaration:

Red Lane
This means that your declaration requires both a documentary check and
Physical examination. Present to customs a receipt (if applicable) with all relevant documents and await physical examination.

Yellow Lane
This means that your declaration only requires a documentary check. Present to customs a printed copy of your receipt (if applicable) and all relevant documents.

Blue Lane
This means that your declaration has been automatically authorised to be released, however, your documents and good will undergo post clearance checks by Customs.

Green Lane
This  means  that  your  declaration  has  been  automatically  authorised  to  be
released. If it is an import, you can collect your consignment from the Transit Shed.  If it is an export then your goods are ready to be shipped.
Note: Customs reserves the right to examine goods assigned to
Green lane

STEP 6 - Collect Goods

17.     Release

 N.B. Refer to the Declaration 
 Processing Guide for details
 of the various Release procedures.

  Once the remaining formalities have been satisfactorily completed a ‘Release Note’
   will be issued and your goods released from Customs control.

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